City Park was a rental building for many years until 1989, when the residents voted to become a housing co-operative and to take on all of the responsibilities and privileges it entailed.

There are many differences between a Co-operative and a rental building. Residents are called “Members” rather than “Tenants” and the payments which are made monthly are called “Housing Charges” rather than “Rent”. Sociologists would classify co-op housing as an intentional community. A member chooses (it is not an accident) to live in a co-op. There are responsibilities and obligations that come with membership. Active membership is a given.

Members of City Park are strongly encouraged to volunteer some of their time to the Co-op either on a committee/project or in performing other volunteer duties, to aid the Co-op membership in the decisions which will affect it, as well as enabling the Co-op to run smoothly. Members are also encouraged to participate in social events like  barbecues, picnics or brunches throughout the year as well as Spring and Fall lawn sales. These events and many others are posted on the co-op’s bulletin boards and this website.

The major decisions of the Co-op are made by a “Board of Directors” consisting of nine (9) members of City Park. Board members are elected at the Annual General Meeting (usually held in September) and members are encouraged to consider submitting their name for consideration by the membership. The Board hosts at least two (2) general meetings per year. At which time the Co-op membership has the opportunity to vote on decisions affecting the Co-operative (for example, the budget). All members are “expected” to attend the General Meetings.

There are numerous committees/projects such as Finance, Member Selection, Maintenance and Property Standards, Community Development and Landscape which help the co-op and make recommendations to the Board, based on research and discussion, to enable the Board to make effective decisions.

It is City Park’s “expectation” that all members of the Co-op will give their time to assist in the effective management of their home and to keep the complex a Co-operative community.